You may be thinking to yourself "what are medaka rice fish and what makes them so special?"

Well my friend you came to the right place. When it comes to fish keeping you can never go wrong with choosing the medaka rice fish for your aquarium!

Where these fish thrive however is in an outdoor setting you see these fish are incredibly popular in Japan where they are kept in container ponds!

These little fish are not only super hardy but they are a TON of fun to breed as well and will leave you feeling like a proud mother when you see how cute the fry are!

In Japan there is also a huge variety of colors and even some that shine like glittery jewls.

I am beyond obsessed with my rice fish they really make me excited to wake up and go check on the ponds for any new eggs.

Speaking of eggs the females carry the eggs around on their back fins until they find a nice place to stick them. This makes it super easy to collect the eggs if you give them a spawning mop.

I personally like to use water hyacinth because of the thick black roots that make spotting eggs a breeze.

Make sure to put some water out in the sun to get a nice green water starter going it'll be great for feeding your little ones <3

I could really go on and on about these little fish they are my favorite and I reccomend everyone who has interest in the aquarium hobby to give them a try!!



Going to be selling medaka at our local fish swap this weekend I hope people know what these even are they'll be getting a great price on them!


I am so EXCITED guys I found a really cool listing for some cull medaka I think they might even have that awesome shine to them MORE NEWS TO COME FOR SURE!


Medaka tri color babies are here!! I have been finding them in the pond with their parents but I also have eggs I collected that could have also hatched by now yippieee

I strangely have a single tri color who is older I wonder if theres more im not seeing...

WILL have to update on that one soon :3


My beautiful tri color medaka <3

My water hyacinth is flowering!!!

My Ponds!

Setting up my ponds this spring!

Post this to your page to show you're a medaka fan!

I'm sure you've seen this cutie around well im proud to say she is a medaka with wings!

I will leave some more helpful images below

(breeding food I use)